
Blog 5: The Story of a Photograph This image has a lot of meaning for me because it was one of the last photos, I took of my cat, his name was Bruno Andres and he was about 14 years with me. The photo I took about 6 years ago and shows how he poses and at the same time his wear and tear for old age, he accompanied me throughout my childhood and the last days of life he was going to look for me to make me love, I guess it was to tell me that everything would be fine and that he had to leave, I remember that one year before he died, he disappeared I week. I remember that I cried to the seas and year later he left and never came back, I guess he went to die somewhere else so he wouldn't see him suffer, but that was one of the biggest pains, because he was my brother. Now, I remember that image with some grief and anguish, but surely, I will say that, I will never forget it, because he made me stronger than ever.
Blog 4: Free theme One of the main things that I like to do in my spare time is to draw things that I feel about society, things that happen to me every day, I usually occupy my discharges in the drawings. Another of the things I like to do is go out with my friends and talk a lot about topics that interest us or trouble us. I feel it is important to use my time well, sometimes I study or just leave Santiago to breathe another air. I like my routine, because it is always constantly changing. My plans are to work with children, in different autonomous centers.Sometimes, I don't think so much about everyday life, and I try to do the activities closest to what I mentioned earlier. Sometimes, I don't think so much about everyday life, and I try to do the activities closest to what I mentioned earlier.
BLOG 3: FAVORITE PIECE OF TECHNOLOGY The Phone, My Favorite Piece of Technology. I use the phone in my free time, because that moment it´s perfect for distract. My first phone back in 2007, when I have 7 years old, my parents give me a phone from hello kitty. In the past, I used my phone as a communication medium. usually, I called a  my family and texted with my friends, in this time the phones change, being more technologic and important because, now I use now for study and distraction. I used the phone always, but, I'm not consider dependent on this element, attempt used for the necessary things, for example, work and study. I like the phone and its tools. Probably, In my life, if there was no phone, it would be the same, maybe even more productive, I would look for other methods of entertainment or communication.
BLOG  2:WHY DID YOU CHOOSE THIS CAREER/STUDY PROGRAMME? When I was a child I showed interest in different subjects of the school, one of them was history, calling my attention throughout the basic education. When I get in high school, I was very interested in social sciences, I met many friends who studied different careers, for example Sociology, Social Work or career related to social. Despite everything mentioned above, when I was little, I dreamed of being a veterinarian, over time I generated interest in other things and options, sociology and nursery education. I applied this careers for the university. I decided Social Work, because I love Social Sciences and I like people, I try to find a background to social problems. So far I have liked the university, the career has good theoretical content, I hope to have an autonomous work and with social content.
BLOG 1: MY AUTOBIOGRAPHY Hello, my name is Vanessa Soto, I am 19 years old and I like to draw. My studies began in a municipal school at the basic level, and then finished my secondary education at the Tajamar Lyceum. Since childhood I have had many clear things about what I wanted to study, being the social sciences my first choice. I remember that as a child I was very interested in drawing, making crafts and learning about different topics.  In my family nucleus, I have often felt different, I consider myself someone confrontational, who seeks constant self-criticism and a reflection on how we position ourselves. Given so much chaos in my life, I found something that frees me from this, expressing myself by drawing, using words and drawing as my own, something that I don't want to show anyone, and that in my purest tranquility makes me feel good. I like to share with my affinities, since they make me feel a little out of my thoughts. Cooking also became something tha