Hello, my name is Vanessa Soto, I am 19 years old and I like to draw.
My studies began in a municipal school at the basic level, and then finished my secondary education at the Tajamar Lyceum. Since childhood I have had many clear things about what I wanted to study, being the social sciences my first choice.

I remember that as a child I was very interested in drawing, making crafts and learning about different topics. In my family nucleus, I have often felt different, I consider myself someone confrontational, who seeks constant self-criticism and a reflection on how we position ourselves. Given so much chaos in my life, I found something that frees me from this, expressing myself by drawing, using words and drawing as my own, something that I don't want to show anyone, and that in my purest tranquility makes me feel good.
I like to share with my affinities, since they make me feel a little out of my thoughts. Cooking also became something that fills me a lot, having a connection of consequence in doing so, respecting the species in the kitchen is something that makes having connections and dedication.


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