
Mostrando entradas de diciembre, 2019
Blog 5: The Story of a Photograph This image has a lot of meaning for me because it was one of the last photos, I took of my cat, his name was Bruno Andres and he was about 14 years with me. The photo I took about 6 years ago and shows how he poses and at the same time his wear and tear for old age, he accompanied me throughout my childhood and the last days of life he was going to look for me to make me love, I guess it was to tell me that everything would be fine and that he had to leave, I remember that one year before he died, he disappeared I week. I remember that I cried to the seas and year later he left and never came back, I guess he went to die somewhere else so he wouldn't see him suffer, but that was one of the biggest pains, because he was my brother. Now, I remember that image with some grief and anguish, but surely, I will say that, I will never forget it, because he made me stronger than ever.